Johnson City, TN is located in the Eastern Time Zone (ET).
Culver City, California is in the Pacific Time Zone (PT).
If it's 6:00 am in Oklahoma City (Central Time Zone), it will be 7:00 am in New York City (Eastern Time Zone). The time difference between the two cities is one hour.
When it is noon in Ottawa, it is 11:00 am in Mexico City. Ottawa is in the Eastern Time Zone, whereas Mexico City is in the Central Time Zone, which is one hour behind Eastern Time.
Local time is the time zone which you are in. If you are close to a major city, then that is your local time zone
No, Pope Clement VII lived in Rome. Vatican City was not established as a city-state at the time. The Vatican was founded as an independent city-state in 1929.
Johnson City, TN is located in the Eastern Time Zone (ET).
Vatican City is the capital of Vatican City the country.
Culver City, California is in the Pacific Time Zone (PT).
Vatican City is a city-state, a country consisting of only one city. So the capital is also Vatican City.
There are normally 800 to 850 full-time residents of the Vatican.
vatican The Vatican City is both a city and a country. Liechenstein is a country.
No, the Vatican City is smaller than Vatican City.
Vatican City is the world's smallest independent country.
vatican city
No, Vatican City is in Rome.
There is no mountain in Vatican City.