Peoria, IL is in the Central Time Zone (CT) in the United States.
No, Illinois (IL) and Pennsylvania (PA) are both in the Eastern Time Zone, so they are in the same time zone and have the same time.
Yes, all of the state of Illinois is on Central time.
Illinois is located in the Central Time Zone (CT).
Yes, there is a one-hour time difference between Houston, TX (Central Time Zone) and Chicago, IL (Central Time Zone).
The distance by road from Decatur, IL to Marion, IL is approximately 166 miles. This route typically takes about 2.5 to 3 hours of driving time, depending on traffic and road conditions.
no it does not Chicago is in Central Time Zone and Los Angeles is in Pacific Time Zone.
Marion IL, is in Williamson county.
Peoria, IL is in the Central Time Zone (CT) in the United States.
No, Illinois (IL) and Pennsylvania (PA) are both in the Eastern Time Zone, so they are in the same time zone and have the same time.
The distance between Marion, IL and Carbondale, IL is approximately 20 miles via I-57.
Yes, all of the state of Illinois is on Central time.
It is roughly 222 miles and would take approximately 3 and a half hours to drive from Marion to Danville.
It is 320 miles according to Google Maps.
Illinois is located in the Central Time Zone (CT).
Yes, there is a one-hour time difference between Houston, TX (Central Time Zone) and Chicago, IL (Central Time Zone).
about an hour and 15 minutes, but that varies by exact location