11.30 GMT is 7.30 PM in Malaysia. Malaysia is 8 hours ahead of GMT.
8AM EST is equivalent to 1PM GMT.
8am GMT is 11am Kenyan time, while 8pm GMT is 11pm Kenyan time, so the time difference remains constant at 3 hours.
4am ET is equivalent to 8am GMT. Eastern Time (ET) is 5 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
No difference. Both GMT +8.
11.30 GMT is 7.30 PM in Malaysia. Malaysia is 8 hours ahead of GMT.
8AM EST is equivalent to 1PM GMT.
8am GMT is 11am Kenyan time, while 8pm GMT is 11pm Kenyan time, so the time difference remains constant at 3 hours.
4am ET is equivalent to 8am GMT. Eastern Time (ET) is 5 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
0000 MYT
The first clue was released at 8am GMT on July 31st 2011.
If it is 8am in the Philippines, the time in London would be 1am. London is GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) which is 8 hours behind Philippine Time.
Bangladesh is GMT + 6 hrs
No difference. Both GMT +8.
Saudi Arabia Time (KSA) is 3 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) during standard time. This difference may vary if GMT is observing daylight saving time.
Malaysia is 8 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and Botswana is 2 hours ahead of GMT. They both don't observe Daylight Savings so Malaysia is constantly 6 hours ahead of Botswana.
at ABOUT 7:40/30am (This is for England NOT any other contries that have a different time)