No, Hilton Head, South Carolina is in the Eastern Time Zone, while Lubbock, Texas is in the Central Time Zone. There is a one-hour time difference between the two locations.
33.583401, -101.855143
Lubbock, TX is at 33 degrees 34 minutes North, 101 degrees 53 minutes West
It takes one of each to describe a location. In Lubbock, the center of the intersection of 4th St and Avenue 'Q' is located at 33.5924° north latitude 101.8552° west longitude. Any other point in town will have slightly different coordinates.
Yes, Lubbock, Texas occasionally gets snowfall during the winter months. The city experiences sporadic snow events, with some years receiving measurable snowfall while others may not. Snow in Lubbock is typically light and does not last long due to the region's dry climate and quick return to warmer temperatures.
Texas Tech is in Lubbock Texas.
The sunrise time in Lubbock, Texas on November 5, 2010 was at approximately 7:56 AM.
Lubbock is in the great plains region of Texas.
The address of the Lubbock Regional Arts Center is: 519 Avenue K, Lubbock, TX 79401
It is 1754.9 miles from Lubbock, Texas, to Seattle, Washington.
Texas Tech University, South Plains, Lubbock Christian University.
According to Google maps, it is 3,745 miles from Lubbock, Texas to Anchorage, Alaska or 2 days and 16 hours drive time
The flight distance from Lubbock, Texas to Abilene, Texas is about 146 miles.
City of Lubbock Cemetery, 2011 East 31st Street, Lubbock, Texas
Lubbock Texas and its surrounding ares are the top cotton-producing areas in Texas.
The address of the Lubbock International Cultural is: 601 Indiana Ave, Lubbock, TX 79415
The address of the Lubbock Lake Landmark is: 2401 Landmark Ln, Lubbock, TX 79415