It would be 10am in California.
California is in the PDT (GMT-8) time zone and London is in the GMT time zone. Therefore, California is eight hours behind London. Both zones observe daylight savings.
When it is 1PM in New York, it is usually 6PM in London, England. There may be slight variations due to daylight saving time changes.
The time in London is 5 hours ahead Eastern time. If it is 1:00 p.m. Eastern time, the time in London is 6:00 p.m.
When it's 2am in Sydney, it's 5pm the previous day in London. Sydney is 9 hours ahead of London.
When it is 8am in California, it is 4pm in London. London is 8 hours ahead of California.
At 1 pm in London, it would be 5 am in California. California is 8 hours behind London time.
6pm =D
When it is 1PM in New York, it is usually 6PM in London, England. There may be slight variations due to daylight saving time changes.
9:30am (same day)
The time in London is 5 hours ahead Eastern time. If it is 1:00 p.m. Eastern time, the time in London is 6:00 p.m.
When it's 2am in Sydney, it's 5pm the previous day in London. Sydney is 9 hours ahead of London.
When it is 8am in California, it is 4pm in London. London is 8 hours ahead of California.
At 1 pm in London, it would be 5 am in California. California is 8 hours behind London time.
6 PM PDT in California = 4 AM EAT in Kenya 6 PM PST in California = 5 AM EAT in Kenya
London (Greenwich Mean Time or GMT) is 8 hours ahead of Los Angeles (Pacific Standard Time or PST), so if it's 10am in LA, it's 6pm in London.
Just a guess mabye in London either 6AM that day or 6AM the next day from arival at houstan