The time difference between Eastern Time (ET) and Central Time (CT) is one hour. When it is 12:00 PM in Eastern Time, it is 11:00 AM in Central Time.
Eastern time is one hour ahead so the answer is 9.
No, there is not always a one hour time difference between Central and Eastern Time. During daylight saving time, Eastern Time is ahead by one hour. However, when daylight saving time is not in effect, both time zones are in the same hour.
4pm Eastern Time is 3pm Central Time. Central Time is one hour behind Eastern Time.
One hour. 10 AM Central Time = 11 AM Eastern Time
The time difference between Eastern Time (ET) and Central Time (CT) is one hour. When it is 12:00 PM in Eastern Time, it is 11:00 AM in Central Time.
Eastern time is one hour ahead so the answer is 9.
1 hour. When it is 8:00 AM Central Time, is will also be 9:00 AM Eastern Time.
No, there is not always a one hour time difference between Central and Eastern Time. During daylight saving time, Eastern Time is ahead by one hour. However, when daylight saving time is not in effect, both time zones are in the same hour.
4pm Eastern Time is 3pm Central Time. Central Time is one hour behind Eastern Time.
1 hour if it is 8 eastern it is 7 central
One hour. 10 AM Central Time = 11 AM Eastern Time
Mountain Time is two hours behind Eastern Time and one hour ahead of Pacific Time. Central Time is one hour behind Eastern Time and one hour ahead of Mountain Time. Mountain Time is typically used in states like Colorado and Arizona, while Central Time is used in states like Texas and Illinois.
Central Mountain Time is 1 hour behind Eastern Standard Time.
No, Illinois (IL) and Pennsylvania (PA) are both in the Eastern Time Zone, so they are in the same time zone and have the same time.
The Eastern Time Zone is 1 hour ahead of the Central time Zone. When it is 2 pm Central Time, it is 3 Pm Eastern Time.
If it is 9:00 am Central Standard Time, then the time in Eastern Time would be 10:00 am Eastern Standard Time. The Eastern Time Zone is one hour ahead of the Central Time Zone.