7am PDT is 2pm GMT. PDT is 7 hours behind GMT.
10am EDT is 2pm GMT. The time difference between EDT and GMT is 4 hours, with GMT being ahead.
It would be 10am in California. California is in the PDT (GMT-8) time zone and London is in the GMT time zone. Therefore, California is eight hours behind London. Both zones observe daylight savings.
5pm UTC = 9am PST = 10am PDT
Pacific Standard from GMT is -8 hours. So 04.00am Pacific when 12.00 noon Greenwich London. Pacific Daylight saving time is thus 7 Hours behind Greenwich Mean Time - but still 8 hours behind British Summer Time.
7am PDT is 2pm GMT. PDT is 7 hours behind GMT.
10am EDT is 2pm GMT. The time difference between EDT and GMT is 4 hours, with GMT being ahead.
GMT is the time all other time zones are kept by, it id the time in the UK and the time shown on Big Ben the clock tower in London. PDT is an American timezone, which i believe is GMT-7 ie it is 7 hours behind GMT.
0645 GMT = 2245 PST = 2345 PDT x
It would be 10am in California. California is in the PDT (GMT-8) time zone and London is in the GMT time zone. Therefore, California is eight hours behind London. Both zones observe daylight savings.
5pm UTC = 9am PST = 10am PDT
Pacific Standard from GMT is -8 hours. So 04.00am Pacific when 12.00 noon Greenwich London. Pacific Daylight saving time is thus 7 Hours behind Greenwich Mean Time - but still 8 hours behind British Summer Time.
The time zone PDT has -7 hours difference form GMT and IST has + 5.30. Have a look in to this site, http://www.timeanddate.com/.
At 12:30 PDT it's 19:30 GMT, and at 12:30 PST it's 20:30 GMT.
At 8 AM PDT, it's 3 PM GMT in Iceland, and at 8 AM PST, it's 4 PM GMT in Iceland.
2300 GMT is 3:00 PM Pacific Standard Time (PST).
time difference is GMT + 1 hour. if the time in the UK is 10AM in majorca it will be 11AM.