US Central time is typically 6 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). However, due to daylight saving time adjustments in the United States, this difference can become 5 hours for a period of the year.
11am GMT is 6am EST.
GMT (England) GMT-1 (Eastern Greenland / Azores) GMT-2 (Mid Atlantic Ocean Time) GMT-3 (Greenland) GMT-4 (North American - Atlantic Time) ----GMT-4.5 (Newfoundland Time) GMT-5 (North American - Eastern Time) GMT-6 (North American - Central Time) GMT-7 (North American - Mountain Time) GMT-8 (North American - Pacific Time GMT-9 (Alaska Time - Eastern Pacific Ocean Time) GMT-10 (Aleutian / Hawaii Time)
1659 GMT
8 AM GMT is 11 AM in Kenyan time. Kenya is 3 hours ahead of GMT.
US Central time is typically 6 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). However, due to daylight saving time adjustments in the United States, this difference can become 5 hours for a period of the year.
9.30 gmt
11am GMT is 6am EST.
Western Aleutian Time = GMT-12 (across the international date line) Hawaii Time = GMT-10 Alaska Time = GMT-9 Pacific Time = GMT-8 Mountain Time = GMT-7 Central Time = GMT-6 Eastern Time = GMT-5 For reference: England = GMT {Greenwich Mean Time} see related link below: World Time map
GMT (England) GMT-1 (Eastern Greenland / Azores) GMT-2 (Mid Atlantic Ocean Time) GMT-3 (Greenland) GMT-4 (North American - Atlantic Time) ----GMT-4.5 (Newfoundland Time) GMT-5 (North American - Eastern Time) GMT-6 (North American - Central Time) GMT-7 (North American - Mountain Time) GMT-8 (North American - Pacific Time GMT-9 (Alaska Time - Eastern Pacific Ocean Time) GMT-10 (Aleutian / Hawaii Time)
Central Standard time is GMT -6 Central Daylight Time GMT -5
1659 GMT
gmt time of london is gmt+1.00 while gmt time of india is gmt+5.30
8 AM GMT is 11 AM in Kenyan time. Kenya is 3 hours ahead of GMT.
Calgary is in the Mountain Time Zone, which is 7 hours behind GMT. Therefore, at 14.30 GMT, the time in Calgary would be 7:30 AM.
Canada has 6 time zones:Pacific Standard Time (GMT -8:00)Mountain Standard Time (GMT -7:00)Central Standard Time (GMT -6:00)Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5:00)Atlantic Standard Time (GMT -4:00)Newfoundland Standard time (GMT -3:00)