a star without a circle around it gives directions (North, East, South, or West)
Seeing one star in the sky typically means that it is a bright star visible in the night sky. Stars are massive, luminous spheres of plasma held together by gravity and emit light and heat through nuclear fusion reactions in their cores. The appearance of a single star may vary depending on its location, brightness, and atmospheric conditions.
Stars are spherical, unless they are forced into teardrop shapes by the nearby presence of other stars. It is gravity that forces them into this shape.
We see stars as "star-shaped" because our eyes aren't perfect, and because atmospheric distortions sometimes bend the light into strange patterns.
As of November 2013, you can see Venus towards the west, after sunset. Any time that Venus appears in the sky, it is the brightest "star". It is not technically a star, but it certainly looks like one.
The elevation of Polaris (the North Star) above the Northern horizon is almostequal to the North latitude of the place where you are when you see it.That means that when you stand on the Equator, the North Star is exactlyON the Northern horizon, and if you stand anywhere South of the Equator,the North Star is always BELOW the horizon.But . . .Everybody in the Southern hemisphere CAN see the SOUTH pole of the sky,which nobody in the Northern hemisphere can ever see.Sadly, there's no bright star anywhere near the South pole of the sky,to mark it the way Polaris marks the sky's North pole for us.
Regulus is a star located in the constellation Leo. It is the brightest star in the constellation and one of the brightest stars in the night sky. The name "Regulus" is Latin for "prince" or "little king."
In August, one of the brightest stars visible in the sky is Sirius, also known as the "Dog Star." It is part of the constellation Canis Major and is easily spotted in the southern sky during the late summer months. Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky and has a distinct blue-white color.
The star of Ishtar is the brightest star you see in the night sky, for they are all her stars. Ishtar means star. She is the morning star and the evening star.
In the sky.
the reason we can see the milky way in the night sky even though we are in it is because of its shape. i believe the milky way is a helical galaxy, which means that it has 'arms' that spiral outward, like a ninja star. from earth's position on one of these arms, we can see the arm beside the one we are on.
The first star we see in the sky at night is typically a planet, usually Venus or Jupiter. Stars are generally not visible until later in the evening when the sky darkens further.
Either it is a cloudy night with very few breaks in the cloud or it is daytime
Its possible to see Sirus. Its the brightest star you can in the Sky.
As we see it, it is the brightest star in the night sky.
Yes. It is in the constellation of Canis Major. As we see it, it is the brightest star in the night sky. But maby we can see a brighter star
Well, it would be in outer space, but you can see them by looking up at the sky.
All the stars appear to move in the night sky, because the Earth is spinning. But for ONE star, the movement is so small that you can't see it without a camera. This star is Polaris, the north pole star. On a long time-exposure photograph, you can see Polaris making a TINY circle in the sky above the north pole.
As of November 2013, you can see Venus towards the west, after sunset. Any time that Venus appears in the sky, it is the brightest "star". It is not technically a star, but it certainly looks like one.
i assume you mean which is bigge rout of the sun and a star? well, the sun IS a star, it is much larger then the other stars you see in the sky.