Belfast is at (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT. San Diego is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT -8 hours, ie. 8 hours behind Greenwich, England. San Diego is 8 hours behind Belfast. (Daylight savings not taken into account.)
The time difference between Perth, Australia and London, England using GMT is 8 hours. Perth is 8 hours ahead of London.
Australian Eastern Standard Time is ten hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time. Australian Eastern Summer Time is eleven hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time.
US Eastern Time is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT -5 hours, ie. 5 hours behind Greenwich, England. US Mountain Time is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT -7 hours, ie. 7 hours behind Greenwich, England. Montana is 2 hours behind New York. (Daylight savings not taken into account.)
There is an 8 hour time difference between GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) and PST (Pacific Standard Time).
The time difference is mostly 5 hours. 2pm in Greenwich is 9am in Maryland.
The flight distance from Helsinki, Finland to Shanghai, China is 4,604 miles / 7 410 km
Moscow is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT +3 hours, ie. 3 hours ahead of Greenwich, England. Tanzania is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT +3 hours, ie. 3 hours ahead of Greenwich, England. There is no time difference. (Daylight savings not taken into account.)
5 hours. Example: 9 AM Eastern Standard Time {EST} = 2 PM Greenwich Meant Time {GMT}
Greenwich, England, is 5 hours ahead of Indianapolis, US.
India Time is five and a half hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time.
Holland is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT +1 hour, ie. 1 hour ahead of Greenwich, England. Italy is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT +1 hour, ie. 1 hour ahead of Greenwich, England. There is no time difference between Amsterdam and Rome. (Daylight savings not taken into account.)
Greenwich Mean Time is six hours ahead of Mountain Daylight Saving Time.
Belfast is at (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT. San Diego is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT -8 hours, ie. 8 hours behind Greenwich, England. San Diego is 8 hours behind Belfast. (Daylight savings not taken into account.)
The time difference between Perth, Australia and London, England using GMT is 8 hours. Perth is 8 hours ahead of London.