9PM EDT is 6PM PST. The Eastern Time Zone is 3 hours ahead of the Pacific Time Zone.
9am PST is 6pm in Belgium. Belgium is 9 hours ahead of Pacific Standard Time (PST).
9 am PST (CET = UTC+1; PST = UTC-8)
When it's 6 PM PST (UTC-8) in North America, it's 10 AM PHT (UTC+8) in the Philippines.
12pm PST is 10pm in Egypt. Egypt is 10 hours ahead of Pacific Standard Time.
9PM EDT is 6PM PST. The Eastern Time Zone is 3 hours ahead of the Pacific Time Zone.
At 6 PM PST, it's 5 AM EAT in Madagascar.
9am PST is 6pm in Belgium. Belgium is 9 hours ahead of Pacific Standard Time (PST).
9 am PST (CET = UTC+1; PST = UTC-8)
When it's 6 PM PST (UTC-8) in North America, it's 10 AM PHT (UTC+8) in the Philippines.
12pm PST is 10pm in Egypt. Egypt is 10 hours ahead of Pacific Standard Time.
I thinks its like 6pm
9AM PST is 7PM in Egypt. Egypt is usually 10 hours ahead of Pacific Standard Time (PST).
He are the times when club penguin closes and starts for North America Monday through Friday, 8am-6pm, Saturday, 8am-4pm, Sunday, 10am-6pm (PST)
6 PM PST = 3 AM CET (during Standard Time) = 4 AM CEST (during Summer Time, a.k.a. Daylight Saving Time) Spain observes Summer Time from the last Sunday of March to the last Sunday of October.
When Pacific Time is 6pm, it is 3am the next day in Johannesburg. Johannesburg is 9 hours ahead of Pacific Time.