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Q: What three groups can matter be classified?
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How is matter classified into groups?

science is a thing to do

How are plants are classified?

plants are classified by people putting plants in three different groups

Three groups classified in restaurant?

the three courses in a restaurant are appetizer,entree',dessert

How are the Earth's resources classified?

Resources are classified into three groups. They are -natural resourcesman - made resources andhuman resources

What are three groups Charles Darwin classified living organisms into?

animals, microorganisms and plants.

What are levers classified into three groups is located?

something that i don't care about bye hahaha

Who proposed the idea that cells can be classified in one of three major groups?

Theodor Schwann was the one who proposed the idea in the 19th century that cells can be classified into one of three major groups: plant cells, animal cells, and bacteria cells.

What classified animals into three groups air land and water?

a scientist who studies taxonomy is called?

Are rocks classified in three major groups disagree or agree?

Agree. Sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic

What are the three groups of rock classified by?

the three types of rocks are classifed based on theire mode of formation or occurence where, they are formed but not of the todays occurence.

Is ice cream classified as matter?

yes everything is classified as matter

What organisms are classified as amphibians?

There are three groups: * Frogs and toads (Anura) * Salamanders and newts (Caudata) * Caecilians (Gymnophiona)