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because your climbing near the sun and the sun gives you skin cancer....

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Geoffrey Huels

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2y ago
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13y ago

It is a mutation to a proto-oncogene, so that it becomes an oncogene. This means that it codes either for the production of a growth factor that is then over-produces, or codes for a membrane receptor that is permanently 'switched on' even in the absence of the growth factor

Cancer is a cell that loses its ability to "listen" to the cyclins telling it to stop growing, so it grows profusely without stopping

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13y ago

Mutations always occur throughout your body, but the body is able to detect these mutations and eliminate them before they pose a problem to the body. However, some mutations are unable to be recognized by the body. These unrecognizable mutations are the cancers that we refer to.

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14y ago

DNA is the genetic makeup of an organism. During normal replication, there is chance for incorporating mismatched bases, but these are repaired by repairing enzymes. Mutation can be either beneficial or harmful one. For example, UV can cause mutation by forming thymidine dimers. The mutation in a Gene can lead to cancer if it produces an abnormal protein. This may lead to transformation i.e., transforming a normal cell into cancer cell. cancer cell will undergo abnormal proliferation.

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Q: What this the relationship between DNA mutation and cancer?
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What is the relationship between DNA and cancer?

The relationship between Cancer and DNA cancer begins when mutations distrupt the normal cell cycle, causing cells to divide in an uncontrolled way.

How might biologist determine whether a mutation has occurred and if so what type of mutation is it?

The comparison between the DNA sequence of normal DNA to the mutated DNA will be made. The type of mutation will be revealed during the base sequence.

Why is important that exact copies of DNA are produced during replication?

because if not.. it will cause DNA mutation... your features may change or worst.. it may cause cancer... because in theory.. cancer is caused by DNA mutations...

What is the relationship between mutation rates and generation span?

Mutation rates are generally higher in species with shorter generation spans. Short generation spans allow mutations to accumulate and spread more rapidly through populations, increasing genetic diversity. This relationship can have important implications for evolutionary processes and adaptation.

What might happen if a mutation occurs in a person's DNA?

The person might end up getting cancer.

What might happen if such a mutation occurred in persons DNA?

The person might end up getting cancer.

A change in the genetic material of a cell is called?

Cancer- certain mutations (changes) in a cell's genetic material may cause that cell to reproduce with out control.

What are the disadvantages of radio activity to humans'?

Radioactivity causes the destruction (mutation) of DNA in our cells, when these cells multiply they contain the mutated DNA which causes irregularities and cancer.

What are the chemicals or elements that make up a cancer cell?

Cancer cells are made of the same chemicals and elements that normal cells are made of. The only difference is a mutation in the DNA.

How is cancer classified?

Cancer is classified as an abnormal growth of cells. This may happen because of a mutation in the cells DNA. When the cells grow abnormal, it usually grows too fast.

The substitution of one base for another during DNA replication is an example of?

The substitution of one base for another during DNA replication is an example of a point mutation. This type of mutation can result in changes to the amino acid sequence of a protein, which can impact its structure and function.

What type of mutation is this during DNA replication a thymine base is removed from the DNA?

A frameshift mutation