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Red blood cells contain platelets. Hope this helped! (:

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2w ago

Red blood cells contain hemoglobin, a protein that binds to oxygen. It is the iron in hemoglobin that gives red blood cells their red color. When oxygen binds to hemoglobin, the color appears brighter red.

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15y ago

Hemoglobin. But it is the iron content of the hemoglobin that causes the red color, and it is only red when it is oxygenated, when it is depleted, it is blueish or purpleish.

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12y ago

Red blood cells contain hemoglobin or haemoglobin. Hemoglobin contains Iron which binds with oxygen. The Iron in the thing which gives red blood cells their red colour.

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Q: What the red blood cells contain which give them the red color?
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What carries oxygen and give your blood your color?

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What carries blood and gives blood its color?

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White blood cells are not actually white; they appear white under a microscope due to the way they are stained for observation. The name "white blood cells" comes from the fact that they are cells that do not contain hemoglobin, unlike red blood cells which carry oxygen and give blood its red color.

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What carries oxygen and give your blood it's color?

Hemoglobin is the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen, giving blood its red color.

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What does Hemoglobin give its blood to?

Hemoglobin is a protein that gives the red blood cells the color red so it doesn't have any blood

What are mature red blood cells filled with?

Mostly hemoglobin, which give blood its red color. The red blood cells also help carry oxygen throughout the body.