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The gram Atomic Mass of carbon is 12.011 grams. This, by definition, is the mass of Avogadro's number of carbon atoms. Regarding the specified number of atoms as 7.40 X 1017, their mass is accordingly 12.011(7.40 X 1017)/(6.022 X 1023) = 1.48 X 10-5, to the justified number of significant digits (limited to 3 by "7.40".)

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1mo ago

To find the mass of 7.40 x 10^17 carbon atoms, you need to use the molar mass of carbon, which is approximately 12.01 g/mol. To calculate the mass, first find the number of moles by dividing the number of atoms by Avogadro's number (6.022 x 10^23 atoms/mol), then multiply by the molar mass. Your result will be around 1.48 x 10^4 grams.

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Q: What the mass in grams of 7.40 x 1017 atoms of carbon?
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