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It stores information that translates into making proteins.

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1w ago

The major function of DNA is to store and transmit genetic information in the form of genes. It serves as a blueprint for the development, growth, and functioning of all living organisms. DNA also plays a crucial role in protein synthesis and inheritance.

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Q: What the major function of biological macromolecule DNA?
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What is the best describes the major function of the biological macromolecule DNA?

The major function of DNA is to store and transmit genetic information in cells. It contains the instructions for building and maintaining an organism, guiding the synthesis of proteins and controlling cellular activities. DNA is essential for inheritance, allowing traits to be passed on from one generation to the next.

Which macromolecule determines the structure and function of a cell?

deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)

What macromolecule is a gene?

A gene is made up of DNA which is a type of nucleic acid macromolecule.

Does DNA respires?

No, DNA does not respire. It is simply a macromolecule, with a function to serve as a medium for transfer of genetic material. It is not an organism itself and hence cannot respire.

What is a DNA molecule that is a large polymer?

Large polymers are often called macromolecules.

Which macromolecule contains deoxyribose?

DNA, which stands for deoxyribonucleic acid, is the macromolecule that contains deoxyribose in its structure. Deoxyribose is a sugar molecule that forms the backbone of the DNA double helix.

How does DNA relate to macromolecules?

DNA is a type of macromolecule known as a nucleic acid. It contains the genetic information necessary for the development and functioning of living organisms. Proteins, another type of macromolecule, are synthesized based on the instructions coded in DNA.

How do you uses macromolecule in a sentence?

DNA, a macromolecule found in the cell's nucleus, carries genetic information.

What kind of macromolecule is DNA polymerase?

DNA polymerase is a protein, which is a type of macromolecule. It plays a key role in DNA replication by synthesizing new strands of DNA using a template strand.

What macromolecule is made from a sequence of DNA bases?


What are the 4 major types of biological macromolecule?

Carbohydrates, for example polysaccharides, like cellulose in cell walls Proteins, made from aminoacids, constituents of hormones and enzymes Polynucleotides, constituents of DNA and RNA which are nucleic acids Lipids, composed of fatty acids and glycerol

Amino acids are the building blocks of which macromolecule?

Acutally its DNA :)