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In conclusion, the journey from eroded mountain rock to beautiful garnet crystal was a long one, not only in human terms, but even geologic terms.

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3w ago

The rock cycle is a continuous process of change of rocks from one type to another over time. It helps explain how rocks are formed, altered, and reformed through processes like weathering, erosion, and heat and pressure. Overall, the rock cycle illustrates the dynamic nature of Earth's geology and how different types of rocks are interconnected.

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What is the rock cycle including descriptions of how one type of rock can change into another type?

It is called the Rock Cycle.

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ANSWER: rock cycle

What is beginning of the rock cycle?

there is no beginning or end of the rock cycle

What is is rock cycle?

The Rock Cycle contributes to the formation of rocks : ~ )

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No Rock Comes First... its a cycle

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The water cycle is the system that go around and over over again.

How and why is the rock cycle called a cycle?

a rock cycle is known as a " rock cycle " because the wheel of a bicycle spins at a total 360 degrees and therefore never has an interfierence to when it comes to an end. SO the word cycle was given to a rock cycle because the prosedure never ends.

What would happen to the rock cycle if did not occur?

There Would No longer Be a Rock Cycle :(

What conclusion would you get from least permeable rock and most permeable rock?

rock type