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Cyclone is the most general of these terms. It describes virtually any broad scale low pressure system of which a hurricane is one variety. Tornado, funnel cloud, and hurricane describe much more specific events.

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1w ago

The most general term is cyclone, which encompasses tornadoes, funnel clouds, and hurricanes. Cyclone refers to a system of winds that spiral inwards around a low-pressure center, occurring in various forms based on location and size. tornadoes, funnel clouds, and hurricanes are specific types of cyclones distinguished by their intensity and characteristics.

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Q: What terms is the most general cyclone tornado funnel cloud or a hurricane?
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Is a tornado worse than a hurricane?

Both tornadoes and hurricanes are dangerous natural disasters, but they differ in scale and intensity. Tornadoes typically have much higher wind speeds and can cause localized but extreme damage, while hurricanes are larger storms with more widespread impacts including heavy rainfall, storm surge, and strong winds that last for longer periods of time. Overall, the severity of each can vary depending on specific conditions.

What is the strongest wind between a hurricane tornado or a cyclone?

A hurricane typically has the strongest winds, with maximum sustained winds reaching up to 180 mph or higher. Tornadoes can have winds that exceed 200 mph in the most severe cases, but they are much smaller in scale compared to hurricanes. Cyclones have similar wind speeds to hurricanes, as they are both types of tropical storms with intense winds.

Is the Seymour tornado a funnel tornado?

Not sure what you mean by a funnel tornado. If you are referring to the Seymour, Texas tornado of April 10, 1979, it had a well-defined funnel and it was funnel-shaped. However, it did touch down so it was not merely a funnel cloud.

When the tip of the funnel cloud touches the ground it becomes a?

tornado clouds

What do you call a tornado that does not touch the ground?

A tornado that does not touch the ground is a funnel cloud.

How is a tornado different from a funnel cloud?

A funnel cloud is like a tornado only it does not reach the ground.

What is the relationship between a funnel cloud and a tornado?

A funnel cloud is a developing tornado that has not reached the ground.

The beginnings of a tornado are known as a funnel cloud?

That's correct! A funnel cloud is a rotating column of air that does not touch the ground. When it does reach the ground and make contact, it's then classified as a tornado.

A tornado starts out as a what?

A tornado starts out as a funnel cloud.

Where is the eye of the tornado?

The "eye" of a tornado is at the center of the funnel.

Is funnel cloud a nickname for tornado?

To some extent, yes. A funnel cloud is the visible portion of a tornado. However, not all funnel clouds are tornadoes. If the winds associated with a funnel cloud do not reach the ground then it is not a tornado. Conversely, if the winds do reach the ground the term funnel cloud is not usually used, and the event is simply called a tornado.

What is the difference between a funnel cloud and tornado?

A funnel cloud is a rotating column of air that does not reach the ground, while a tornado is a funnel cloud that extends to the ground and causes damage. Both are formed from the same weather conditions and can be associated with severe thunderstorms.