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The substance left in a dish after evaporation is known as the residue.

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Q: What term is given to the substance left in the dish when it was evaporated?
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Where did the substance that appeared at the bottom of the evaporating dish after it was heated come from?

The substance that appears at the bottom of the evaporating dish after heating likely came from the dissolved solute in the solution that was being evaporated. As the solvent evaporates, the solute becomes more concentrated and eventually crystallizes or precipitates at the bottom of the dish.

All the water evaporated from the solution in the dish What was left in the dish?

If all the water evaporated, what was left in the dish would be the solutes that were dissolved in the water, such as salts or sugars. These solutes do not evaporate with the water and remain behind in the dish once the water has all evaporated.

What is the black substance on the bottom of the evaporating dish after it has been heated on a Bunsen burner?

The black substance is likely to be the residue of the substance that was heated in the evaporating dish. This residue is left behind after the solvent or liquid has evaporated, and can be carbon or other impurities from the original substance. It is important to clean the evaporating dish thoroughly to remove the residue before its next use.

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What is the substance deposited in the bottom of the evaporating dish?

The substance left behind in the bottom of an evaporating dish after the solvent has evaporated is called the residue. This residue is what remains of the dissolved solute once the solvent has been removed through evaporation.

What is an evaporating dish used for?

An evaporating dish is used to evaporate liquids from a solution, leaving behind the solid solute. This is often done to concentrate a solution or to isolate a solid compound. The dish is heated gently to speed up the evaporation process.

If dish of sugar and water solution is left in the sun after a few days the solution has disappeared and a white residue remains on the dish Has a physical or chemical change taken place explain?

A chemical change has taken place. The heat from the sun has caused the water to evaporate, leaving the sugar behind, which has undergone a chemical reaction and turned into a white residue.

Dose salt or sugar affect water evaporation?

No. The water is simply evaporated as normal and the salt or sugar (or pretty much any substance that can be mized with water) is left behind.

Can liquids with high viscosity like syrup be evaporated?

Some of the liquid will be evaporated. Like salt water, or other compound liquids, something will be left behind, in salt water's case, salt will be left behind. However, since there is some amount of water in the substance, the water will evaporate. It will leave behind a flavored sugar most likely.

What did you notice the solid that was left after all the liquid has evaporated?

The solid left after all the liquid has evaporated is typically the dissolved solute that was originally in the liquid. This could be a salt, sugar, or any other substance that was in the solution. The solid may exhibit different physical properties, such as a different texture or color, compared to the original solute due to the evaporation process.

What is the meaning of residue on evoparation?

Residue on evaporation refers to the solid material left behind after a liquid has been evaporated. It can consist of impurities, salts, minerals, or other substances that were dissolved in the liquid. Residues are often analyzed to determine the composition of the original liquid.

What is the chemical equation of evaporated saltwater?

Assuming there is only salt left, NaCl.