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In terms of global warming and the enhanced greenhouse effect, data indicates earth has currently warmed about 0.8 degrees C (1.4° F) more over the past century than it would have without the addition of all that extra carbon dioxide.

Most climate scientists project additional temperature increase between 1.5 and 6 degrees C (2.7 to 10.8° F) over the coming century based on the current accumulation of CO2 and reasonable projections of continued emissions.

Solar variation does not appear to play any role in current global temperature increases and in fact, strictly on the basis of orbital cycles and the slight measured decrease in solar radiation, earth should now be slightly cooling--not warming rapidly.

The baseline for the temperature chart in the links is about 0.6° C lower than the current temperature, but we can estimate the current temperature would probably be about -0.2° C below the baseline were it not for the heat trapped by man's liberation of trillions of tons of CO2 (more than a trillion tons since 1975).

Here is a link with more information. [ Global temperature Rise.]

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3mo ago

It is difficult to determine the exact temperature the Earth would be without global warming since natural climate variations occur. However, scientists estimate that without human-caused global warming, temperatures would be several degrees cooler on average compared to current temperatures.

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