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Q: What temperature is venus not facing the sun?
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Which two planets are hot facing the sun but cold turned away from the sun?

murcuary venus?

Does the temperature of the sun decrease in the night?

The temperature of the sun stays constant. At night, you are facing away from the sun, and the Earth is beyween you and the sun.

How does the temperature of the planet vary with the distance fromthe sun?

In general the temperature of a planet falls with distance from the sun. However, Venus is nearly 90% further from the sun than Mercury but, instead of being cooler, Venus is 40% hotter.

What is Mariner 2?

the first encounter with another planet. it was a spacecraft sent by NASA to venus. it measured venus' temperature and is now thought to be orbiting the sun.

Why does Venus have higher surface temperature than mercury even though Venus is farther from the sun?

Thick atmosphere on Venus none on Mercury

What planet has the hottest temperature when facing the sun?

Venus. The greenhouse effect (the trapping of hot air on the planet's surface) is essentially turned to the max, so when Sol is shining on it, it becomes even hotter.

How much closer to the sun is Venus than earth?

Venus is on average about 30 million miles closer to the sun than Earth. This proximity to the sun causes Venus to have a much hotter surface temperature compared to Earth.

How a planet's surface temperature would likely to change with increased distance from the sun?

In general the temperature of a planet falls with distance from the sun. However, Venus is nearly 90% further from the sun than Mercury but, instead of being cooler, Venus is 40% hotter.

Which planet has the hottest surface temperature?

Venus has the hottest surface temperature among the planets in our solar system, with an average temperature of 465 degrees Celsius. This extreme heat is due to its thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide that traps heat from the Sun, creating a runaway greenhouse effect.

How hot does it get on the side of Mercury closet to the sun?

At the equator, the surface temperature on Mercury (facing the sun) can reach 700K (430'C).

Does Venus gets its energy from the sun or volcanoes?

I'm not sure what you mean by "energy". The temperature of Venus is generally attributed to "Green House Effect" and is the result of the sun's energy being trapped by the Venus cloud cover.

How does the temperature of the planet vary with the distance of the sun?

VERY ROUGHLY, as you get farther away form the Sun, the temperatures decrease.