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Kingdom is the real taxon that has a clear biological identity as it contains all the organisms.

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Q: What taxon that has a clear biological idnetity?
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Which is the higher taxon of class or order?

Class is a higher taxon than order in the hierarchy of biological classification. Classes consist of multiple orders, which in turn consist of multiple families, genera, and species.

What is the second highest taxon?

Domain is the second highest taxon in biological classification, above kingdom and below superkingdom. It represents a broad category that encompasses multiple kingdoms.

The smallest taxon is what?

The smallest taxon in biological classification is species. It consists of individuals that are capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring.

What is the different between rank and taxon?

Rank is a level within a biological classification system, such as kingdom or species, used to group organisms based on shared characteristics. Taxon refers to any level of biological classification, including ranks like kingdom, phylum, or genus. In short, rank is a specific level within a taxonomic hierarchy.

What is the newest and broadest taxon?

The newest and broadest taxon is Domain. It groups organisms based on similarities in their cell types and includes Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. This classification is above Kingdom in the hierarchy of biological classification.

What is a taxon?

A taxon is a group of organisms in a classification system, such as a species, genus, family, or order. Taxonomy is the science of classifying and naming organisms based on their characteristics and evolutionary relationships. Each taxon represents a level in the hierarchy of biological classification.

In which taxon is the ginkgo?

The taxon of the ginkgo is Linnaeus.

The taxon species may be defined by reproductive isolation and?

The taxon species may be defined by reproductive isolation and can interbreed to produce viable offspring. This criterion helps differentiate one species from another and is crucial in categorizing organisms into distinct groups based on their biological similarities and differences.

Is a taxon a category in a classification system?

Yes, a taxon is a category used in biological classification systems to group organisms with similar characteristics. Taxa can range from broad categories like kingdom to specific categories like species. The system helps organize and classify the diversity of life on Earth.

Is A key is a taxon.?

No, the Key is not a Taxon. So false. false

What is the plural of taxon?

The plural form of the noun 'taxon' is 'taxa.'

Which taxon contains one or more kingdoms?

The domain is the highest taxonomic rank that contains one or more kingdoms. The domain is above the kingdom in the hierarchy of biological classification.