

What takes in particles?

Updated: 10/25/2022
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8y ago

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A sponge takes in particles of water.

A clam takes in particles of food.

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Q: What takes in particles?
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What process takes place when the average energy of gas particles decrease?

What process takes place when the average energy of a gas, s particles decreases

What process takes place when the average energy of a gas's particles decrease?

When the average energy of a gas's particles decreases, the particles lose kinetic energy, leading to a decrease in temperature. This can occur through processes like cooling or expansion. As the particles slow down, their movements become more limited, resulting in a decrease in pressure.

How does bolus pass through oesophagus?

On passing along the oesophagus, mastication [breakdown of large food particles into smaller particles] takes place so that it can b easily digested and swallowed..

What is the reason particles have mass?

Particles have mass because they are matter, and matter is anything that has mass and takes up space. The wave packet that defines the particle is of such high frequency that its energy has a gravitational vector.

What is the four statements that make up the particle model?

The particle model of matter states: 1. All matter is made up of very small particles. The particles are much too small to observe with the naked eye or with a light microscope. 2. There are spaces between the particles. The amount of space between the particles is different for different states of matter. For example, gases have much more space between particles than solids do. 3. The particles are attracted to each other. The strength of the attraction depends on the type of material. 4. the motion of the particles increases or decreases when the temperature increases or decreases. Extra Information: Solid: Particles are packed together tightly. This means that a solid will hold a definite shape. They particles are constantly vibrating in place. Liquid: Particles are in contract with each other, but can slip and slide past one anther. This means that a liquid takes shape of the container. Gas:Particles have large spacing. Can move freely in all directions. Takes the shape of the container

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What process takes place when the average energy of gas particles decrease?

What process takes place when the average energy of a gas, s particles decreases

What process takes place when the average energy of a gas's particles decreases?

What process takes place when the average energy of a gas, s particles decreases

What process takes place when the average energy of a gas's particles decrease?

When the average energy of a gas's particles decreases, the particles lose kinetic energy, leading to a decrease in temperature. This can occur through processes like cooling or expansion. As the particles slow down, their movements become more limited, resulting in a decrease in pressure.

The process by which a stationary cell takes in small particles?

The process by which a stationary cell takes in small particles is called endocytosis. During endocytosis, the cell membrane invaginates to form a vesicle that engulfs the particles and brings them into the cell's interior. This process helps the cell to take in nutrients and other essential molecules from its environment.

Why 1kilogram of sugar when kept in different jars takes it's shape?

the particles of sugar are very small and hence it takes the shape of the jar

What process takes place when the average energy of a gas's particle decreases?

What process takes place when the average energy of a gas, s particles decreases

What are the deferences between endocytosis and exocytosis?

Endocytosis is a process in which a cell takes in large molecules or particles, while exocytosis is a process in which a cell expels large molecules or particles.

How can coughing help filtering inhaled air?

Coughing do not filters the air. Particles from air are deposited on mucus membrane of bronchial tree. But coughing takes out the particles deposited there.

What process is responsible for bringing in large particles into the cell?

Phagocytosis is the process responsible for bringing in large particles such as bacteria or dead cells into the cell. During phagocytosis, the cell engulfs the particle by forming a phagosome, which then fuses with lysosomes to break down the ingested material.

What is the difference in mass and volume?

Mass it how many particles an object has and volume is the space it takes up.

What takes place in mitochondria?

Mitochondria converts fuel particles (mostly sugars) into usable energy

What happens for compressed water?

particles expand hence takes up more space(flattening)