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The cardiovascular system transports materials to and from the cell in your body.

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Q: What system rapidly tranpsorts materials to and from the cells?
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Which system possess the most rapidly multiplying cells in the body?

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System that transport materials to and from the bodys cells?

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System that transports materials to and from the body's cells is called?

The circulatory system.

What needed materials does the circulatory system carry to the body cells?

The circulatory system carries nutrients and oxygen to body cells. In addition, it carries hormones and immune materials.

What human organ transports needed materials to the cells and carrying wastes away from cells?

The circulatory system transports materials in the body.

What move materials past cells or move cells?

Blood moves materials past cells, allowing for diffusion. It also moves cells themselves to places they are needed, as with immune system cells.

Which body system transports needed materials to cells and carried cell wastes away from cells?

urinary system i think

What organ system transports needed materials to the cells and carries wastes away from cells?


What human organ system transports needed materials to the cells and carrying wastes away from cell?

The circulatory system transports materials in the body.

What is the body system that transports materials to and from cells called?

cell wall

This venn diagram says complete and contrast the functions of arteris and veins?

Similarities : used in circulatory system, transport materials, differences : arteries are thicker, and used to transport materials to the cells veins are thinner, and used to transport materials from the cells to areas of the excretory system.

What transports materials within a cell and between cells?

Materials within a cell are transported by organelles such as vesicles and the endoplasmic reticulum. Between cells, materials are transported by the circulatory system, which includes blood vessels and the lymphatic system. Proteins such as transporters and channels also assist in transporting materials across cell membranes.