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Circulatory and excretory

depends on the cells XD

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1w ago

The circulatory system, specifically blood circulation, transports nutrients from the digestive system to cells and removes waste products from cells to be eliminated from the body.

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Q: What system in the human body moves the nutrients into cells and waste out of cells?
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What systems move materials in your body?

The circulatory system moves materials like oxygen, nutrients, and hormones through the body via blood flow, while the respiratory system enables the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs. The digestive system processes food and absorbs nutrients, and the lymphatic system helps transport immune cells and maintain fluid balance.

What system in the human body moves the body?

Muscles I guess.

What moves oxygen and nutrients to the cells?

The circulatory system, composed of the heart, blood vessels, and blood, transports oxygen and nutrients to cells throughout the body. Oxygen is carried in red blood cells, while nutrients are distributed in the plasma of the blood. This process ensures cells receive the necessary resources for energy production and cellular functioning.

What moves cell organelles from one location to another inside a cell?

Motor proteins help move organelles throughout the cell. Proteins always give energy, both in the human body system and within microscopic cells.

What is the symbiotic relationship of cells and orgens in the human body?

Cells and organs have a closely interconnected and interdependent relationship in the human body known as symbiosis. Cells make up tissues, which in turn make up organs. Organs work together to perform specific functions necessary for the body's survival. Cells rely on organs for a suitable environment to carry out their specialized functions, while organs depend on the coordinated activity of cells to perform their roles effectively. This mutualistic relationship ensures the overall functioning and health of the body.

Related questions

Does the circulatory system moves the nutrients absorbed by the digestive system to the cells in your body?

Yes, nutrients absorbed by the digestive system are transported around the body by the blood of the circulatory (or cardiovascular) system.

What is the main function of the human digestive system?

The human digestive system is a bunch of organs that turns food into essential nutrients that are absorbed into the body. It also moves the unused waste material out of the body.

What moves blood around the human body?

Blood cells

What is the system that moves the human body?


What move materials past cells or move cells?

Blood moves materials past cells, allowing for diffusion. It also moves cells themselves to places they are needed, as with immune system cells.

What systems move materials in your body?

The circulatory system moves materials like oxygen, nutrients, and hormones through the body via blood flow, while the respiratory system enables the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs. The digestive system processes food and absorbs nutrients, and the lymphatic system helps transport immune cells and maintain fluid balance.

What human organ system moves the body?


What is the process called when nutrients go from the digestive system and into the bloodstream?


Why is the circulatory system the same as the hydraulic system?

The human circulatory system moves blood through the body similar to the hydraulic system which moves liquid water.

What organ moves food and oxygen throigh the body?

The heart is responsible for pumping blood throughout the body, which carries oxygen and nutrients to cells. The digestive system, which includes organs like the stomach and intestines, moves food through the body via a series of muscular contractions.

What system in the human body moves the body?

Muscles I guess.

Which system is responsible for carrying oxygen to muscles?

The circulatory system (blood) moves oxygen through the body to the cells.