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Q: What surface of earth is in constant motion because of forces on the planet surface?
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How do you explain the effect of balanced forces on the state of motion of an object?

A balanced group of forces acting on the object has no effect on its motion. The object continues moving in a straight line at constant speed.

What does the motion of an object look like after the forces acting on it end?

After the forces acting on an object end, the object will continue to move with a constant velocity in a straight line if no other forces act on it to change its motion. This is described by Newton's first law of motion, which states that an object in motion will stay in motion with a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force.

What does Newtons 1st law of motion state about objects on which forces are balanced?

Newton's first law of motion states that an object at rest will stay at rest, and an object in motion will stay in motion at a constant velocity, unless acted upon by an unbalanced external force. If forces are balanced on an object, it will either remain at rest or continue moving with a constant velocity.

How a fault forms?

A fault-block mountain forms where the edges of two plates come together to create a fault. When one plate pushes up over the other one, the upper one can continue up until it is high enough to create a fault-block mountain.

When forces are balanced compare the acceleration of an object at rest and an object in motion?

When forces are balanced, the object at rest will remain at rest, while the object in motion will continue to move at a constant velocity. This is due to Newton's first law of motion, which states that an object will remain at rest or in motion with constant velocity unless acted on by an unbalanced external force.

Related questions

How fault is formed?

The surface of earth is in constant motion because of forces inside the planet. These forces cause sections of earth's surface, called plates, to move.

How fault forms?

The surface of earth is in constant motion because of forces inside the planet. These forces cause sections of earth's surface, called plates, to move.

What is the mistake in The surface of the earth is in constant motion because of forces on the planet's surface.?

THE FORCES MOVING EARTH'S SURFACE ARE UNDERNEATH EARTH'S SURFACE, IN THE UPPER MANTLE. FWI, these forces are actually huge convection currents in the magma buried under Earth's crust.

What is the mistake in this sentence The surface of Earth is in constant motion because of forces on the planet's surface?

THE FORCES MOVING EARTH'S SURFACE ARE UNDERNEATH EARTH'S SURFACE, IN THE UPPER MANTLE. FWI, these forces are actually huge convection currents in the magma buried under Earth's crust.

Do balanced forces cause motion?

No, balanced forces do not cause motion. Balanced forces result in an object remaining at rest or moving at a constant velocity. Motion only occurs when unbalanced forces act on an object.

Can a body in equilibrium if it is in motion?

It can be in equilibrium if in constant motion (constant velocity) as no forces are acting on it (no acceleration)

Is this sentence correct The surface of Earth is in constant motion because of forces on the planet's surface?

No one answer this, please. It is from their homework, I assigned it to my own class last year. Person who did this: It is very wrong to cheat. You should try and complete your homework independently or with a text book. If you have questions, ask your teacher! That's the only way you will learn it! :) Actually, the sentence is wrong. The correct sentence is: The surface of Earth is in constant motion because of forces inside the planet. :D

Why horizontal motion is constant?

Horizontal motion is constant when there are no external forces acting on an object in that direction. According to Newton's first law of motion, an object in motion will stay in motion at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force. This is why horizontal motion can remain constant when there is no acceleration or deceleration.

When will two opposing forces not change motion?

Two opposing forces will not change motion when they are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. This results in a state of equilibrium where the forces cancel each other out, allowing the object to remain at rest or continue moving at a constant velocity.

What is the resulting motion of forces acting on a unbalanced bicycle?

Constant acceleration is the resulting motion of forces acting on an unbalanced bicycle.

Is the surface of earth in constant motion because of forces on the planet's surface?

Yes, the surface of Earth is constantly in motion due to a variety of forces, such as tectonic plate movement, erosion, and volcanic activity. These forces shape the Earth's surface over time, creating features like mountains, valleys, and coastlines.

How does constant motion happen?

Simple in principle: Just remove all external forces from the object, and it continues on its way with constant motion ... no change in speed or direction. Tough in the real world, because it's impossible to do that on Earth.