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The evidence that we live in an expanding, and not a static,Universe is as solid as the evidence that we live in on a round, and not a flat,planet. Gravity is the only force we know of that could slow down "Hubble" Expansion but, for many decades, we were unable to calculate how rapidly this slow-down of Hubble Expansion was occurring. It was QUITE a shock when we found that, over time, the rate of expansion was INCREASING over time. Again, this fact is as irrefutable as the fact thatour Earth is going around our Sun.

Since we "define" dark energy as "whatever it is that is causing the rate of Hubble Expansion to increase over time," the fact that the rate is increasing is all the support that is needed.

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Q: What supports the presence of dark energy?
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Why do observations made of distant galaxies indicate that dark energy exists?

Observations of distant galaxies show that they are moving away from us at an accelerating rate, implying the presence of a mysterious force counteracting gravity known as dark energy. This is supported by measurements of the cosmic microwave background radiation and the large-scale structure of the universe, which also confirm the existence of dark energy.

Is Mars lifeless?

Evidence indicates the presence of water, which supports life as we know it.

Leaving evidence of your presence supports U.S. Government effort to locate identify and recover you.?


Is the universe matter?

The Universe contains matter, energy, dark matter, dark energy, empty space - and of course, lots of structures made up of those.The Universe contains matter, energy, dark matter, dark energy, empty space - and of course, lots of structures made up of those.The Universe contains matter, energy, dark matter, dark energy, empty space - and of course, lots of structures made up of those.The Universe contains matter, energy, dark matter, dark energy, empty space - and of course, lots of structures made up of those.

What gives basalt its dark color?

Andesite gets its dark colour from the way its crystals stick together.

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Why do observations made of distant galaxies indicate that dark energy exists?

Observations of distant galaxies show that they are moving away from us at an accelerating rate, implying the presence of a mysterious force counteracting gravity known as dark energy. This is supported by measurements of the cosmic microwave background radiation and the large-scale structure of the universe, which also confirm the existence of dark energy.

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Evidence indicates the presence of water, which supports life as we know it.

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The presence of the same fossils or geological formations on different continents can provide evidence to support the theory of continental drift. This suggests that the continents were once connected and have since drifted apart over geological time scales.

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The presence of starch is indicated by a blue-black color when iodine solution is added.

A gas that promotes burning?

Oxygen is a gas that supports combustion by providing the necessary element for burning to occur. It is essential for fuel to burn in the presence of oxygen, which allows for the release of energy in the form of heat and light.

How would earth changes if the sun suddenly went dark?

The Sun is our main source of energy ehich supports life on earth,therefore if the disappeared,then all life on earth would end.

Can evaporation take place in the dark?

Yes, evaporation can take place in the dark. Evaporation is a physical process in which liquid water molecules at the surface gain enough energy to escape into the air as water vapor, regardless of the presence of light.

Which is thought to be more prevalent in the universe dark matter or dark energy?

Dark energy. The current estimates for the distribution of mass/energy in the Universe are approximately: 68% dark energy 27% dark matter 5% baryonic (i.e. "normal") matter

How will you prove that oxygen supports burning?

Oxygen supports burning through the process of oxidation, in which oxygen molecules react with the atoms of the burning material, releasing energy in the form of heat and light. This can be proven by conducting controlled experiments in a controlled environment where oxygen is present, and observing how materials burn in its presence compared to in its absence.

Leaving evidence of your presence supports U.S. Government effort to locate identify and recover you?

Leaving evidence of your presence can help the U.S. government track and locate you in case of emergency or if you go missing. It helps establish a trail for search and rescue operations and aids in identifying you quickly.

Leaving evidence of your presence supports U.S. Government effort to locate identify and recover you.?
