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Glucose and fructose.

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Q: What sugars can be absorbed in the small intestine without further digestion?
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Does glucose need to be digested before it is absorbed?

No, glucose, a simple sugar, does not require digestion and can be directly absorbed by the body through the small intestine into the bloodstream after being broken down from more complex carbohydrates during the digestion process.

Although chemical digestion occurs throughout the digestive system it mostly occurs in the?

The stomach and the small intestine are the most important part for digestion. You CAN NOT live without a small intestine, since most nutrients are also absorbed from there also.

Is cholesterol absorbed without being digested?

Cholesterol is a type of fat that is not broken down during digestion like other fats. It is absorbed in the small intestine and then transported through the bloodstream to various tissues in the body where it is used.

What does the liver help digest?

All the nutrients that are digested in the alimentary canal and absorbed into the blood, then go to the liver for further processing. Only water can be absorbed without further processing by the liver.

Can you live without villi?

No, villi are essential for nutrient absorption in the small intestine. Without villi, nutrients would not be absorbed properly, leading to malnutrition and other health issues.

Where is lipids digested in the human body?

lipids are commonly called fats because lipids can accumulate anywhere including your skin or your arteries. lipid digestion usually occures in the stomach or in the intestines. But to much lipids can cause obesity.

Which nutrients can be absorbed without first being digested in the human gastrointestinal tract?

Water, vitamins, and minerals can be absorbed without first being digested in the human gastrointestinal tract. These nutrients can pass through the intestinal walls directly into the bloodstream.

What can the small intestine can absorb without being further digested?

Glucose and fructose.

Why does digestion occur inside your body?

The digestion of food starts in the mouth where it is masticated. Saliva is added to form a bolus. This is the start of chemical digestion. Salivary Amylase breaks downs carbs. Food then goes down oesophagus ito stomach where digestion continues. The stomach muscles churn the food with hydrochloric acid and lubricates it with mucus. This then forms a substance called chyme. The hydrochloric acid deactivates salivary amylase and neutralises bacteria. There is a lot more to it but just remember that it starts in the mouth.

Why is digestion good?

Digestion breaks down fat, carbohydrates, and protein into smaller molecules that can be absorbed by your GI tract. Without it, no absorption --> malnutrition --> death

What does a catalyst do for digestion?

A catalyst in digestion helps to speed up chemical reactions in the body without being consumed itself. In digestion, enzymes act as catalysts to break down food molecules into smaller components that can be absorbed by the body. This process helps to make digestion more efficient.

What classes of nutrients requires the least amount of digestion?

Water and minerals require the least amount of digestion as they are absorbed directly into the bloodstream without needing to be broken down like carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.