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Reduction of Benedict's reagent occurs with reducing sugars such as glucose, fructose, and galactose, giving a positive test result. This test is used to detect the presence of reducing sugars in various food products.

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Q: What substrate gives a positive reaction for benedicts reagent?
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Which carbohydrates give a positive reaction with benedicts reagent?

Reducing sugars, such as glucose and fructose, give a positive reaction with Benedict's reagent. When heated, these sugars reduce the copper (II) ions in the reagent to form a colored precipitate, indicating the presence of reducing sugars. Non-reducing sugars, like sucrose, will not give a positive reaction with Benedict's reagent.

Would sucrose test positive or negative with benedicts reagent?

No, surcose is a disaccharide without a hemiacetal group

What does Benedicts reagent do?

It tests for glucose.

What is the difference between Benedict's Reagent and Biuret Reagent?

Benedicts reagent is used to check reducing sugars , it need hat to work and gives red color when positive ,. While biuret reagent is for proteins .there is no need to use heat and gives purple , violet color when positive ..

Will hydrolysed dextrine give positive response to Benedict test?

Yes, hydrolyzed dextrin will give a positive response to the Benedict test as it contains reducing sugars that can react with the Benedict's reagent to form a colored precipitate indicating the presence of reducing sugars.

What compound can be oxidized by both Benedicts solution and Tollens reagent?

A reducing sugar such as glucose can be oxidized by both Benedicts solution and Tollens reagent to form a colored precipitate. This reaction is used to test for the presence of reducing sugars in a solution.

Does using benedicts reagent on honey produce a positive result?

Yes, Benedict's reagent can produce a positive result when used on honey containing reducing sugars, such as glucose or fructose. The reagent will change color from blue to green, yellow, orange, or red depending on the concentration of reducing sugars present in the honey.

Would glucose solution produce a positive Benedicts test?

Yes, glucose solution would produce a positive Benedict's test because it contains reducing sugars, such as glucose, which can reduce the blue copper(II) ions in Benedict's reagent to form a red precipitate of copper(I) oxide.

Do eggs test positive in benedicts test?

Yes, eggs can test positive in the Benedict's test because they contain glucose, which is a reducing sugar that reacts with the reagent in the test to form a colored precipitate.

What reagent is necessary to complete the reaction?

The reagent needed to complete a reaction depends on the specific reaction being carried out. It could be a catalyst, solvent, substrate, or a specific chemical compound required for the reaction to proceed successfully. Consulting the reaction mechanism or the experimental protocol would help identify the necessary reagents.

How does sodium chloride react with Benedicts?

The Benedict reagent is not for sodium chloride testing.

What components of protein give a positive test with Millon's reagent and on what is this reaction based?

The phenolic and tyrosine residues in proteins give a positive test with Millon's reagent. This reaction is based on the oxidation of phenolic groups by mercuric nitrate in the reagent to form a red-colored complex.