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Using household chemicals to get high is a very dangerous thing to do and can result in brain damage, kidney failure and sudden death. It's best not to try it.

Some of the 1000 household items to avoid are paint thinner, spray paint, solvents, rubber glue, typewriter correction fluid, felt tip markers, air freshener, butane, cooking spray, various types of glue, gasoline, deodorant spray, fabric protector spray, whipping cream aerosols, hair spray, and household cleaners.

Those who abuse common household products often look and act the same as if they had been drinking alcohol.

Warning signs for parents to be aware of are:

glassy/glazed eyes

loss of appetite

chemical smells coming from their child's breath or clothing

signs of paint or other products on the face or fingers

missing household products.

If you suspect your child is abusing household products, seek help immediately.

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