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A fleshy tent housing an eternal invisible soul and spirit.

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2w ago

A human being is primarily made up of water, proteins (including enzymes, hormones, antibodies), fats, carbohydrates (sugars, starches), vitamins, and minerals. Additionally, humans consist of cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems that work together to support life.

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Q: What substance makes a human being?
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It stands to sense that if a ghost can be seen by you then it can be seen in a mirror. Anything with substance can be reflected if it is large enough. A ghost has substance. A spirit sent from God will be seen as a human being sees another. A spirit from Satan will inhabit the body of a human if that human allows it to.

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Is The substance being dissolved in a solution is called a solvent.?

No, the substance being dissolved in a solution is called a solute. The solvent is the substance that does the dissolving.