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A cell membrane is generally made up of:
Cholesterol - Disturbs the close packaging of the phospholipids. It helps to regulate membrane fluidity and is important for membrane stability.
Glycoproteins(proteins with attached carbohydrate chains) -Play an important role in cellular recognition and the immune response, and acts as receptors for hormones and neurotansmitters. Together with glycolipids, they stabilise membrane structure.
Glycolipids - Like glycoproteins, act as surface receptors and stabilise the membrane.
Phospholipid bilayer- Makes up most of the membrane.
They are the main parts to a cell membrane there are also proteins that sit on the membrane or completely penetrate it these can be used to transport certain molecules in and out of the cell.

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4mo ago

Phospholipids are the most common substance found in a cell membrane. They create a lipid bilayer that forms the structural framework of the membrane. Proteins, cholesterol, and carbohydrates are also present in cell membranes, playing important roles in various cellular functions.

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