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The female structure of the flower is the gynoecium that is made up of the ovary, style and stigma. The ovary produces the ovule.

The male structure is the androecium. It is made up of the filament and anther. The filaments bear the anthers. The anthers produce pollen.

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10y ago
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4mo ago

Anthers contain structures called pollen sacs, which are the sites where pollen grains are produced. Within the pollen sacs, specialized cells called microsporocytes undergo meiosis to produce microspores, which then develop into pollen grains.

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14y ago

The PETALS form the COROLLA. Inside the corolla are slender stalks called FILAMENTS. At the end of the filaments are ANTHER, together forming the STAMEN, which is the male reproductive organ. Pollen grains are found on the Anther.

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14y ago
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13y ago

The pistil is the collective term for the carpels. Each carpel includes an ovary , a style and a stigma

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11y ago

Stamens are the male reproductive parts of flowers

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12y ago

Anther and filament

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10y ago

The stamen

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Where is the pollen in the tall bearded iris?

The pollen on a tall bearded iris is typically found on the anthers, which are the male reproductive structures located at the tip of the stamen. The anthers release the pollen grains, which are then carried to the stigma for pollination to occur.

Which part of the plant contains the pollen grains?

Pollen grains are found in the male reproductive structures of plants called anthers. The anthers are typically located at the tip of the stamen, which is the male reproductive organ of a flower.

What is pollen found on?

The anthers of the flower.

What are reproductive structures of angiosperm?

the flowers, consisting of female stigma, style and ovary - and the male anthers and filaments

What do pollen sacks look like?

Pollen sacs are structures found on the anthers of flowers in which pollen grains are produced and stored. They are typically small, oval-shaped structures that contain numerous pollen grains. Pollen sacs can vary in color, size, and texture depending on the plant species.

Where else can you find meiosis process in Lily?

In lilies, meiosis occurs in the formation of their reproductive structures, such as the anthers and ovaries of the flowers. This process leads to the production of haploid pollen grains in the anthers and haploid ovules in the ovaries, which are essential for sexual reproduction in lilies.

Do flowers have anthers?

Yes, all bisexual and male flowers have anthers

Which structure is found in a angiosperms but not gymnosperms?

Flowers are a structure found in angiosperms but not gymnosperms. Flowers are reproductive structures that produce seeds enclosed within a fruit, a unique feature of angiosperms. Gymnosperms, on the other hand, have naked seeds that are not enclosed within a fruit.

Do all flowers have anthers?

Yes, all bisexual and male flowers have anthers

Why do some flowers have anthers hanging out?

The advantage is anthers can pollinate by wind more easily.

Where could you pick up the pollen in a flower?

Pollen can be found inside the anthers, which are part of the flower's stamen. Bees and other pollinators collect pollen when they land on a flower, rubbing against the anthers and picking up the pollen grains.

Complete the sentence. Pollen grains are produced by the ….. in the flower?

The right answer is "anther" or "anthers"