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The structure that runs the length of the sarcomere through the thick filaments and contributes to the elastic recoil in muscle is the protein titin. Titin acts as a molecular spring, providing elasticity to the muscle and helping it return to its original length after contraction.

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Q: What structure runs the length of the sarcomere through the thick filaments and contributes to the elastic recoil in muscle?
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State that a ship structure and its machinery are constructed largely of materials with out are elastic?

A ship structure and its machinery are constructed largely of materials that are non-elastic, like steel and aluminum. These materials are chosen for their strength, durability, and resistance to corrosion in the harsh marine environment. The non-elastic nature of these materials ensures that the ship can withstand the stresses and strains of constant motion and varying sea conditions.

What is an elastic smooth layer that serve as protective structure of movable joint?

The elastic smooth layer that serves as a protective structure of movable joints is called cartilage. Cartilage acts as a cushion between bones, reducing friction and absorbing shock during movement. It is a flexible and durable connective tissue that helps to maintain the structure and function of joints in the body.

What is randomly coiled protein fibers that recoil after being stretch?

Elastic fibers made of the protein elastin has a coiled structure which allows it to stretch and recoil. Fibers can stretch up to 150 percent of their relaxed state length without breaking.

3 fibers types found in the connective tissue?

Collagen fibers, elastic fibers, and reticular fibers are the three main types of fibers found in connective tissue. Collagen fibers provide strength and support, elastic fibers offer flexibility, and reticular fibers form a network-like structure to support various tissues and organs.

What is the most elastic substance in the world?

Graphene is considered one of the most elastic substances in the world. It is a two-dimensional material composed of a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice structure, known for its exceptional strength, flexibility, and elasticity.

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The Elastic Energy is the energy of the molecular and/or atomic bounding forces - the structure of the material.

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Why that a ships structure and machinery are constructed largely of materials which are elastic?

The plate of the elastic is the machinery constructed by largerly pack you

Why that a ship's structure and machinery are constructed largely of materials which are elastic?

The plate of the elastic is the machinery constructed by largerly pack you

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Definition of sound wage structure?

A sound wave's structure, by definition, is a longitudinal one. More specifically, it is "a longitudinal wave in an elastic medium."

Wrinkles and sagging skin in elderly individuals are the result of?

Gravity and the loss of elasticity and adipose tissue in the skin........which naturally happens over time...........

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