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RNA serves as a chemical messenger for DNA in the cell. It carries genetic information from the DNA in the cell's nucleus to the ribosomes in the cytoplasm where proteins are synthesized. This process is known as protein synthesis or gene expression.

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Q: What structure in the cell is chemical messenger for DNA?
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Chemical that contains the code for the cell's structure and activities?

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is the chemical that contains the genetic code for the cell's structure and activities. DNA is located in the cell's nucleus and provides the instructions for building proteins, which carry out various functions in the cell.

What is a structure in the cell containing information that determines characteristics?

The nucleus holds DNA, which is the chemical makeup of the cell.

What is the chemical that contains the code for the cell structure and activities?


Is DNA the chemical that contains the code for the cell's structure and activity?


What is the chemical that contains the codes for the cell's structure and activities?

This substance is DNA - deoxoribonucleic acid.

Is DNA is chemical not a structure?

DNA is a complex chemical with a double-helix structure.

What Category of compound does DNA code for in the cell?

DNA codes for proteins in the cell. The DNA sequence is transcribed into messenger RNA (mRNA), which is then translated into a specific sequence of amino acids, forming a protein. This process is essential for the functioning and structure of cells.

What cell structure is the DNA information center?

The DNA is in the nucleus of the cell.

What science field would DNA structure fall under?

DNA structure falls under the field of molecular biology, which is the study of biological macromolecules and their functions at the molecular level. It involves understanding the structure, function, and interactions of biomolecules like DNA, RNA, and proteins.

What structure in the cell contains the instructions that tell the cell how to make proteins?

The structure in the cell that contains the instructions to make proteins is the nucleus. Inside the nucleus, DNA carries the genetic information that provides the instructions for protein synthesis. This information is transcribed into messenger RNA (mRNA) which is then used by ribosomes to translate the instructions and synthesize proteins.

If Dna cannot leave the Cell how can It get Its information out to the rest of the Cells?

DNA in the nucleus of a cell is responsible for producing messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules that carry genetic information to the cytoplasm, where it can be used for protein synthesis. These mRNA molecules act as messengers between the nucleus and the rest of the cell, ensuring that the genetic information encoded in DNA can be translated into functional proteins throughout the cell.

Is DNA the weakest cell in the cell structure?

DNA is not a cell itself, but a molecule found within cells that carries genetic information. While it is not a cell, DNA is essential for cell function, and damage to DNA can have serious consequences for the cell and, therefore, the organism. DNA is not considered weak but rather vulnerable to damage from various sources such as radiation, chemicals, and replication errors.