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Q: What structure focuses light in a reflecting telescope?
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What kind of telescope collects and focuses light using a mirrior?

That's a "reflecting" telescope.

At the end of the reflecting telescope is a what mirror?

At the end of the reflecting telescope is a primary mirror. This mirror collects and focuses light from distant objects before reflecting it to a smaller secondary mirror or camera for further magnification or analysis.

What kind of telescope focuses light through a transparent lens?

An optical telescope (as distinct from, say, a radio telescope). It's possible that the answer was intended to be "a refracting telescope" but reflecting telescopes use lenses as well.

Which structure is used to foucus light in a refelcting telescope?

A curved mirror is used to focus light in a reflecting telescope by reflecting and converging the light rays to a focal point. This mirror can have a concave shape to collect and concentrate light towards the eyepiece for observation.

What does a mirror do in a telescope?

A mirror in a telescope reflects and focuses light to create images of distant objects. It is the primary optical element in a reflecting telescope, where it gathers and concentrates light to produce sharper and brighter views of celestial bodies. Mirrors are essential for collecting and directing light to the eyepiece or camera in a telescope.

Which type of telescope uses a mirror to gather light?

A reflecting telescope.

Does a reflecting telescope gather light with a lens or a mirror?

A reflecting telescope gathers light with a mirror instead of a lens. The mirror reflects light to a focus point where the image is formed. This design eliminates chromatic aberration that can occur with lenses.

Does the reflecting telescope deal with sound or light?

The reflecting telescope deals with light. It uses mirrors to gather and focus incoming light from distant celestial objects for observation. Sound waves are not used in reflecting telescopes.

What is an advantage of reflecting telescope?

It can gather more light

How many mirrors does a reflecting telescope have?

A reflecting telescope typically has two mirrors: a primary mirror and a secondary mirror. The primary mirror collects and focuses light towards the secondary mirror, which then reflects the light to the eyepiece or camera for viewing or recording.

What telescope collects light with a mirror?

A reflector telescope collects light with a mirror. The mirror is located at the back of the telescope and reflects the incoming light to a focal point where it is then collected by an eyepiece for viewing.

Why are reflecting telescope and refracting telescope considered as optical telescope?

"Optical", in this case, simply means that they work with light.