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the inferred could be the evolution of life and the scientific ways of orgainization


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Q: What statements can be inferred?
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What can be inferred from duncan's statements concerning the power of the Indian chief?

Might makes right.

What are implicit statements?

Implicit statements are ideas or messages that are not directly stated but can be inferred from context or underlying meanings. They rely on subtlety and interpretation by the listener or reader to understand the implied meaning.

What does inferred?

deduce or conclude (information) from evidence and reasoning rather than from explicit statements. "from these facts we can infer that crime has been increasing" synonyms: deduce, conclude, conjecture, surmise, reason, interpret

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What does infered mean?

"Inferred" means to derive or conclude information based on evidence or reasoning rather than on direct observation or explicit statements. It involves making educated guesses or assumptions about something.

What does inferred mean?

"Inferred" refers to conclusions or insights that are derived or drawn from available information, rather than directly stated. It involves making educated guesses or predictions based on evidence or context.

Who said that every negative statement needs 11 positive statements to restore a positive self-image?

It is not attributed to a specific individual. This concept is often inferred from the idea that negative statements can have a greater impact than positive ones on a person's self-image, requiring multiple positive affirmations to counteract the negative effects.

Where in the bible is their an explicit requirement to believe in the Trinity?

"Trinity" is not used in the Bible, nor is there a requirement to believe in it. It is inferred from various statements in the Gospels - Jesus as the Son of God, praying to his "Father," and sending the Holy Spirit to help the disciples after he returns to Heaven.

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The voice of a text is?

what can be inferred about the mood, tone, and point of view of the author.

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