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Q: What statement is true Viruses have organelles. Viruses can reproduce by themselves. Viruses are not living. Viruses produce their own energy?
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Viruses must reproduce in a cell because they lack organelles needed to duplicate viral components?

. Viruses must reproduce in a host cell because they lack organelles needed to duplicate viral components. True or false

WHY do viruses reproduce in the living cell?

to divide themselves

Which of the following is inaccurate in relation to viruses they have nuclei acid core they feature a capsid they seek out a specific host they reproduce independently?

they reproduce independentlyThis is a false statement as viruses need a host cell and it's replicative machinery to reproduce their genetic material.

Can viruses can reproduce by themselves?

No. Viruses must invade a host cell and hijack its resources to replicate itself.

Can viruses reproduce by themselves?

No, viruses cannot reproduce by themselves. They must infect a host cell and hijack the cellular machinery to replicate. Viruses lack the cellular structures necessary for independent reproduction.

Does a virus use sexual reproduction?

No, viruses do not reproduce using sexual reproduction. They typically replicate by hijacking the host cell's machinery to produce copies of themselves through a process called lytic cycle or lysogenic cycle. These cycles involve injecting their genetic material into the host cell and taking over its functions to replicate.

How are viruses similar to living organisms and how are they different?

Viruses are similar to living organisms in that they can infect host cells and replicate, but they differ in that they lack the ability to carry out metabolism and reproduce independently. Viruses also do not have cells or organelles like living organisms do.

What circumstances can viruses reproduce?

Viruses can reproduce inside host cells by hijacking the cellular machinery to make copies of themselves. They cannot replicate on their own and require a host organism to reproduce.

Are Viruses able to reproduce without using other organisms?

viruses are dormant when they are not inside a living cell. that means they don't have living characteristics when outside a living cell. they only reproduce when they are inside a living cell.

How do viruses reprodce?

Viruses called Worms can reproduce by copying themselves into other files. They can also attach to emails and filesharing. There tricky and harmful to any computer.

Can viruses kill cells?

Yes. Viruses' only aim is to reproduce; if they invade a cell and are not killed off, they will continue replicating themselves until the cell bursts.

What structure differentiates from a bacteria?

In terms of what ? I u are asking about bacteria in terms of viruses Bacteria are living and can reproduce themselves While viruses are ghosts they can only live inside a host and also can reproduce inside it Hope i answered u