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Q: What state makes matter in raindrops?
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What state of matter are raindrops in?

Raindrops are in the liquid state of matter. When water vapor in the atmosphere cools and condenses, it forms small droplets that eventually combine to form raindrops.

Does the shape of raindrops matter?

Yes, the shape of raindrops matters as it can affect how rain behaves in the atmosphere and how it interacts with surfaces on the ground. Round raindrops are typically more stable and fall faster than irregularly shaped raindrops. The shape of raindrops can also impact how effectively they can coalesce with other droplets to form larger raindrops.

What is the matter state of water in the atmosphere?


Raindrops are this state of matter?

condencation and precipitation clouds hold the water and they are water

What makes something a state of matter?


What makes matter retain it's state?

Temperature is the most common reason matter retains it's state.

What makes the color of rainbows?

light refracted by raindrops appear to be different colours

What is the most common state of matter in the universe solid a liquid and gas or plasma?

Plasma is the most common state of matter in the universe, as it makes up stars and most of the visible matter in the universe.

99 percent of the known matter in the universe?

is found in the form of hydrogen and helium. These elements were created during the Big Bang, and all other elements found in the universe were formed through processes like nuclear fusion in stars. Only a small fraction of the universe is made up of heavier elements like carbon, oxygen, and iron.

How can oxygen be changed from the gaseous state to the liquid state?

Matter can be broadly categorized into solid, liquid or gaseous state, what is it that makes the matter remain in one of these state, this animated science topic gives in-depth information about states of matter.

What must be added or taken away for a change in the state of matter to occur?

I believe "heat"To change from one state of matter to another state of matter heat is added or taken away.I think that makes sense!

What state of matter is most abundant in space?

Plasma. It makes up more than 99% of visible matter in the universe, and most of the invisible matter.