The island nation that lies at 77 west longitude and 18 north latitude is the Bahamas.
The country that lies at approximately 55 degrees north latitude and 115 degrees west longitude is Canada.
The location 3 degrees north latitude and 65 degrees east longitude lies in the Indian Ocean.
A country that lies at 47° north latitude and 4° east longitude is France. It is located in Western Europe and includes cities such as Paris, Lyon, and Marseille.
The island nation that lies at 77 west longitude and 18 north latitude is the Bahamas.
"90° north latitude" ... regardless of longitude ... is the north Pole. Except for some pack ice, there's no significant island there.
The country that lies at 75 degrees north latitude and 39 degrees west longitude is Greenland.
Dallas, Texas lies at approximately 32.7767° N latitude and 96.7970° W longitude. This city matches the given criteria.
The country that lies at approximately 55 degrees north latitude and 115 degrees west longitude is Canada.
Casablanca in Morocco.
the Bahamas
The location 3 degrees north latitude and 65 degrees east longitude lies in the Indian Ocean.
The center of the nation of Haiti lies at 18.5333 degrees North and 72.3333 degrees West. It lies completely within the tropics north of the equator.