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Q: What state does the source return to after the electrical discharges in static electricity neutral negative or positive?
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What is difference between positive current and negative current which current is used for generation of electricity?

Positive current flows from the positive terminal to the negative terminal, while negative current flows in the opposite direction. In electrical systems, positive current is used for generating electricity as it represents the flow of electrons from negative to positive, which is the direction of conventional current flow.

How can you get positive and negative electricity go together?

Positive and negative electricity can come together through the process of electrical neutralization, which involves the transfer of electrons between the positive and negative charges until they reach a balanced state. This can occur through the interaction of positively and negatively charged particles, resulting in a state of overall neutrality.

Does current electricity have positive and negative charges?

No electric charges may be positive or negative - electrons have a negative charge; ions have a positive charge.

Who created Electrical polarity?

Electrical polarity was established by Benjamin Franklin in the 18th century when he defined the concept of positive and negative charges in electricity. This laid the foundation for understanding how electricity flows in circuits and how different components interact with each other.

Is a negative object attracting a neutral object considered magnetism?

Yes, if a negative object is attracting a neutral object, it is considered to be a form of magnetism. This attraction can be explained by the magnetic field produced by the negative object interacting with the neutral object.

Related questions

What do electricity and electrical energy have in common?

Positive and negative poles

What electricity travels through?

electricity can travel through anything with a positive and negative electrical charge

What state does an object return to when it discharges static electricity?

When an object discharges static electricity, it returns to a neutral state. This means it has neither a positive nor negative charge and is once again at equilibrium with its surroundings.

What is the conventional theory of electricity?

Conventional Electrical theory (simplified) states that electricity flows from positive to negative in contrast to Electron Theory which supposes negative to positive flow of electrons.

Is lightning is an example of an electric field or discharge?

Lightning is an example of an electrical discharge, not an electric field. It occurs when an electric field builds up in the atmosphere due to positive and negative charges separating, and then discharges as a bolt of electricity.

Does electricity travel negative to positive?

It is positive to negative.

Does electricity travel from positive to negative or negative to positive in a circuit?

It goes negative to positive.

What type of energy is carried by moving negative charges?

That is the electric energy. It is called the electricity

True are false. electricity is a flow of negative charge?

False. 1. Electricity involves the movement of electrical charges. The most common case is the movement of electrons (a negative charge), but other possibilities exist, such as movement of charges through ions (positive or negative), or holes (positive). 2. Even stating that electricity IS a flow of charged particles is a gross and misleading simplification. An electrical current INVOLVES the flow of charges, but that does not fully describe an electrical current.

The directional quality of electricity is called?

The Directional Quality of Electricity is called Voltage

What is difference between positive current and negative current which current is used for generation of electricity?

Positive current flows from the positive terminal to the negative terminal, while negative current flows in the opposite direction. In electrical systems, positive current is used for generating electricity as it represents the flow of electrons from negative to positive, which is the direction of conventional current flow.

The buildup of electrical charge on a material is called a?

The buildup of electrical charge on a material is called static electricity. It occurs when there is an imbalance of positive and negative charges on the surface of an object.