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Q: What state does carbon dioxide exist on mars?
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What gas mostly exist on Mars?

Carbon Dioxide

What kind of atmosphere that may exist on mars?

The atmosphere on mars is very thin it contains Carbon dioxide, nitrogen and argon.

Is there any food people can eat on mars?

Not that we know of; Mars is totally barren except for some ice at the poles, which is mostly carbon dioxide. Water cannot exist on Mars in a liquid state, and so vegetation cannot grow.

What percent of carbon dioxde is in Mars?

there is 30% of carbon dioxide on mars

What percent of Mars is carbon dioxide?

About 95% of Mars' atmosphere is composed of carbon dioxide. This abundance of carbon dioxide plays a key role in the planet's thin and cold atmosphere.

Does oxygen exist in mars?

Yes, oxygen does exist on Mars, but in much lower concentrations compared to Earth. The atmosphere on Mars is about 95% carbon dioxide, with only about 0.1% oxygen. This low oxygen level makes it difficult for humans to breathe on Mars without assistance.

Where is Mars CO2 stored?

The atmosphere of Mars contain 95,32 % carbon dioxide. In the polar zones carbon dioxide is as dry ice.

Is the thin atmosphere of mars mostly carbon dioxide?

Yes, the thin atmosphere of Mars is composed mostly of carbon dioxide (about 95.3%), along with smaller amounts of nitrogen, argon, and traces of oxygen and water vapor. The low atmospheric pressure on Mars is due to its thin atmosphere.

What is the principal gas in the venusian atmosphere and also a minor component of the atmosphere of earth and mars?

Carbon dioxide is the principal gas in the Venusian atmosphere and also a minor component in the atmospheres of Earth and Mars.

Why is it unlikely that there is life on mars now?

Mars lacks a thick atmosphere and has harsh surface conditions, such as extreme cold and high levels of radiation, which make it inhospitable for known forms of life to exist. Furthermore, the surface of Mars shows no evidence of current liquid water, a key ingredient for life as we know it.

What gases surround mars?

The atmosphere of Mars is predominantly composed of carbon dioxide (95.3%), with traces of nitrogen (2.7%), argon (1.6%), and oxygen (0.13%). There are also small amounts of water vapor, methane, and other gases in the Martian atmosphere.

The atmosphere on Mars is mostly?

The atmosphere on Mars is mostly carbon dioxide.