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Motion. The motion can be energized by virtually any source of energy.

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1mo ago

Kinetic energy comes from the movement of an object. It is the energy an object possesses due to its motion. When an object moves, it has the ability to do work and has kinetic energy.

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Is kinetic energy a source of activation energy?

No, kinetic energy is not a source of activation energy. Activation energy is the minimum amount of energy required to start a chemical reaction, while kinetic energy is the energy of motion possessed by an object.

What is the source of energy for evaporation?

Kinetic energy.

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Kinetic energy

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Kinetic energy

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Objects that are at rest have no kinetic energy. Additionally, objects that have come to a complete stop after moving previously also have no kinetic energy.

What is a source of energy for a sail boat to move?

Kinetic energy in the wind and water.

What is the local reginal source of kinetic energy?

The kinetic energy of a moving body is 1/2 x Mass x Velocity2

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gas could be a part of kinetic energy or potential energy

Is doubling a kinetic energy source by mass bigger than when you double its speed?

Doubling the speed of an object results in a fourfold increase in kinetic energy, while doubling the mass only results in a doubling of kinetic energy. Therefore, doubling the speed will result in a bigger increase in kinetic energy compared to doubling the mass.

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What is thd source of energy for a sail boat to move?

Kinetic energy in the wind and water.

What is the advantage and disadvantage of kinetic energy?

The advantages of kinetic energy is its abundant energy source and it can be created easily. However, its chief disadvantage is its difficulty to be controlled making it an unpredictable energy.