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Well, the Hubble Space Telescope is not here on Earth- it is in outer space. Where no one lives.

Social- nobody there. No social

Environmental- made here, pretty much intact/ complete, does not have an environment to interact with. Construction here was under usual environmental standards set by the EPA.

Economical- supported by government funding. Spending money on that means the govt. does not havethe money to spend on something else.

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16y ago

The disadvantage is that there is no atmosphere to protect it from the sun, so it only is operational for 20 minutes per complete orbit (90 minutes).

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14y ago

dvantage you can see for far distances, the disadvantage was that in the early flights there was a mistake in the mirror and it had to be rectified.

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10y ago

pro : it is one of the few telescopes that orbit

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8y ago

The disadvantage of space-based telescopes in general is the cost required to put it into orbit.

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Q: What social environmental ethical and economical disadvantages are there about Hubble Space Telescope?
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Can you spy on neighbor your using a telescope?

It is not ethical or legal to spy on your neighbor using a telescope. It's important to respect their privacy and boundaries. If you have concerns or suspicions, it's best to address them directly or seek help from appropriate authorities.

What are the ethical or moral issues regarding the hubble telescope?

Some ethical or moral issues regarding the Hubble Telescope include the potential risks of space debris generated by its operation, the allocation of resources for space exploration versus other societal needs, and concerns about the impact on indigenous communities or cultures if celestial bodies are exploited for commercial gain. Additionally, there may be questions about the justification for the significant financial investment required to build and maintain the telescope.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of nanoscience?

Advantages of nanoscience include the potential for creating new materials with enhanced properties, advances in medicine through targeted drug delivery, and improved electronics through smaller, more efficient devices. Disadvantages may include potential health and environmental risks from exposure to nanoparticles, as well as concerns about the ethical implications of nanotechnology.

What is moral ecology?

Moral ecology refers to the study of the interconnected relationships between environmental ethics, societal values, and human behavior towards nature. It involves understanding how moral beliefs, attitudes, and norms shape human interactions with the environment and influence decisions related to conservation, sustainability, and ethical responsibility. This concept emphasizes the importance of considering ethical considerations within ecological systems to promote more sustainable and responsible environmental stewardship.

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Some ethical considerations in using solar power include ensuring that workers involved in the production and installation of solar panels are treated fairly and paid decent wages, considering the environmental impact of manufacturing and disposing of solar panels, and addressing potential issues related to land use and community impacts of large-scale solar installations. Additionally, ensuring access to solar energy for marginalized communities is an important ethical consideration.

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