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That is the glucose. It is used for respiration

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Q: What simple sugar produced in photosynthesis does a plant use as food?
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What simple sugar does plant food start out as?

Plant food starts out as glucose, which is a type of simple sugar. Glucose is produced during photosynthesis and serves as an important energy source for plants.

What is the simple sugar produced by photosynthesis?

Yes, a simple sugar is created during photosynthesis. This is how the plant creates and uses energy to live on.

How does sugar made in photosynthesis get to the rest of the plant?

Via the phloem, which transfer sugars Produced during photosynthesis from the leaves to all over the plant.

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made available by photosynthesis

Through photosynthesis a simple sugar is produced. Where do the carbon atoms come from to produce this sugar molecule?

carbon dioxide

What two things are produced in photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis is the process in which a plant takes water and carbon dioxide and turns it into sugar and oxygen.

What sugar produced during photosynthesis?

Glucose is the sugar produced during photosynthesis. It is a simple carbohydrate that serves as the primary source of energy for the plant and is also used as a building block for more complex carbohydrates like starch.

How much photosynthesis does a plant need to produce in order to survive?

glucouse ( a simple sugar!)

What is the sugar that is removed from plants?

Plant sugar is "sucrose", made up of the simpler sugar molecules "glucose" and "fructose" (both produced by photosynthesis).

How is excess sugar produced during photosynthesis converted into starch?

Excess sugar produced during photosynthesis is converted into starch through a process called polymerization. Enzymes like starch synthase help link glucose molecules together to form starch chains. This starch is stored in plant cells and serves as an energy reserve for the plant.

Why simple leaves help in photosynthesis?

so th plant can get enery from sunlight to make sugar :)

What is the Name of the tissue in which sugar produced in photosynthesis is carried to the parts of the plant?

The tissue responsible for transporting sugar produced in photosynthesis is called phloem. Phloem is a vascular tissue that serves as the plant's circulatory system, moving sugars and other nutrients throughout the plant.