That is the glucose. It is used for respiration
Carbohydrates - sugar.
it is a process in which plant preaper its food.
It extracts water and nutrients from the soil.
Because the Sugar is the plant's food - plants make their own food by trapping the energy in Sunlight.
That is the glucose. It is used for respiration
through a process called "photosynthesis"; the process of converting light energy to chemical energy and storing it in the bonds of sugar. The bonds of simple sugar (glucose), is the plant's food.
Chloroplast make sugar in a plant by using sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water to make sugar and oxygen (the sugar is the food)
The food a plant cell makes is sugar.
The food chain does not start with Photosynthesis because Photosynthesis is the process in which a plant makes sugar for it to survive. A food chain is more likely to start with grasses or a small rodent and or a bug
Plants use sugar as food.