on the warm side.
Spray foam insulation is often recommended for insulating under a mobile home in cold weather. It creates a tight seal and provides a high level of insulation to keep the area warm. Additionally, adding skirting around the perimeter of the mobile home can help prevent cold drafts from entering underneath.
Yes, in general, air tends to move from areas of higher temperature to areas of lower temperature. This is because warm air is less dense and rises, while colder, denser air sinks. This movement creates air currents and ultimately contributes to weather patterns.
A carpet feels warm because it provides insulation and traps air, which helps retain heat. In contrast, a stone floor conducts heat away from the body faster due to its density and lack of insulation, making it feel cold on bare feet.
Air pockets in insulation act as barriers to heat flow by reducing conduction and convection. The trapped air within these pockets is a poor conductor of heat, which reduces the transfer of heat through the material. This helps to maintain a consistent temperature within the insulated space, keeping it warm in cold weather.
Because warm air can carry more moisture w/o causing condensation than cold air. If you had the moisture barrier at the cold side warm moist air would hit the cold surface and fall out as condensation, leaving water in the insulation.
A 'cold roof' has the insulation layer beneath the roof deckA 'warm roof' has the insulation layer beneath the roof deck
insulation is important, because in order to keep your house nice and warm, and not freezingly cold, you need to insulate your house
to keep warm air in and cold air out hope it helps :)
well everybody needs insulation it is heat and cold air in the winter you need warm air and in the summer you need cold air the stay at the body temp
the warm side
Think about it! If you are going outside and you put on heavy clothing and coat you are insulating yourself from the cold. Insulation retards the transfer of cold to your body. By the same token, if you are cold outside and wearing the same clothes and then go inside it will retard the warm from getting to your cold body (taking longer to warm up). So yes, if you remove the insulation (clothes) inside trying to get warm it will heat you quicker (faster). To sum up, it is the transfer of heat or cold, and the time it takes, that is affected by the insulation you wear, or not wear, and therefore whether you warm up or cool down faster.
on the warm side.
They have blubber (fat) under their skin which acts as insulation so they keep warm, even in cold temperatures like that
To keep it warm in the winter and in the summer it acts as insulation to keep the cold in and hot out. depends on your breed and where it is from
Water cannot be absorbed through the surface of a leaf
yes and hot too. Insulation is a heat barrier -- it tries to prevent heat exchange between the two sides. Vacuum is the best. Then air. Metals are the worst. ====================