

What shape is the glucose?

Updated: 12/2/2022
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Q: What shape is the glucose?
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What shape represents a glucose molecule?

The shape that represents a glucose molecule is a hexagon with a carbon coming off the upper carbon

Carrier proteins transport glucose into a muscle cell.?

carrier proteins transport glucose into a muscle cell

Cellulose molecules have what shape?

Cellulose molecules have a linear shape, with a repeating chain of glucose units bonded together.

How do you draw a particle diagram for glucose?

To draw a particle diagram for glucose, you can represent each glucose molecule as a hexagon shape. Inside the hexagon, you can draw small circles to represent the individual atoms within the molecule. For glucose, there are six carbon atoms, twelve hydrogen atoms, and six oxygen atoms. You can label each atom with its respective chemical symbol to indicate the composition of the molecule.

What do carrier proteins change in order to move glucose across cell membranes?

they change shape

What happens when glucose dissolves in water?

When glucose dissolves in water, the glucose molecules break apart and become surrounded by water molecules, forming a homogeneous solution. This process is known as hydration, where water molecules form hydrogen bonds with the glucose molecules, allowing the glucose to be evenly distributed throughout the water.

Why the shape formed when beta glucose molecules join in a single chain is different from that formed when alpha glucose molecules join in a single chain?

Because beta is mo beta than alpha, you feel me?

Why shape formed when beta glucose molecules join in a single chain is different from that formed when alpha glucose molecules join in a single chain?

Because beta is mo beta than alpha, you feel me?

Why do molecules of alpha glucose and beta glucose have different shapes?

Alpha glucose and beta glucose differ in the position of the hydroxyl group on the first carbon atom. In alpha glucose, the hydroxyl group is below the ring plane, while in beta glucose, it is above the ring plane. This difference leads to a slight variation in the overall shape and structure of the two molecules.

Why is fructose used?

Fructose as an ingredient or a 'sugar' replacement in your coffee or tea is normally consumed by diabetic sufferers. This is because it has a lower glycaemic index than sucrose (regular sugar). This means that when fructose is consumed the body takes longer to metabolise it into, its main energy source, glucose. So therefore, the glucose formed from fructose is absorbed into the blood stream much slower than what would be seen for sucrose. This is due to the different formations and shapes of the fructose and sucrose. So a more complex shape (fructose) would take longer to breakdown into the shape of glucose and the simpler shape (sucrose) would breakdown faster to glucose.

What is the carbohydrate that is found in abundance in mammalian blood?


What is the monomer shape of a carbohydrate?

The monomer unit of a carbohydrate is a simple sugar, such as glucose or fructose. These monosaccharides have a basic molecular structure consisting of a carbon chain with hydroxyl groups attached.