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There are no harms of ozone layer. It protects us from UV rays of the sun.

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Q: What sentences that harmful effect of the ozone layer?
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At what layer is ozone harmful?

The ozone is harmful not at stratosphere. It is harmful at some layer. Te layer is troposphere.

What effect the refrigerant on environmental?

Some refrigerants have chlorofluorocarbons that are harmful to the ozone layer. The CFCs can lead to rapid depletion of the ozone layer in the atmosphere.

What is the layer in the atmosphere which has a benificial effect of absorbing harmful ultraviolet rays?

The Ozone.

How can ozone layer can be harmful?

Ozone layer cannot be harmful. It protects us from harmful UV rays of the sun.

What is the onzone layer effect?

The ozone layer is being depleted by the CFC's. It causes UV to enter which are harmful for us.

What effect did the ozone layers had?

The ozone layer acts a protective shield on the surface of earth. This layer blocks out the harmful Uv radiations emitted from the surface of the sun.

Why is halogenoalkanes harmful to ozone layer?

Halogenoalkanes contain chlorine or bromine, which break down ozone molecules in the stratosphere. When halogenoalkanes reach the stratosphere, UV radiation breaks the carbon-halogen bond, releasing a halogen atom that reacts with ozone, depleting the ozone layer. This results in the thinning of the ozone layer, increasing UV radiation reaching the Earth's surface and causing harmful effects on living organisms.

What is the meaning of CFC effect?

The CFC effect refers to the impact of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) on the environment, specifically their role in depleting the ozone layer. CFCs are human-made chemicals that release chlorine and bromine atoms when they reach the stratosphere, leading to the breakdown of ozone molecules. This thinning of the ozone layer allows more harmful ultraviolet radiation to reach the Earth's surface, posing health risks and contributing to climate change.

When people smoke how does your air get polluted?

Smoke has a harmful effect on the ozone layer and the environment. Do Not Smoke.

Why is halon harmful for ozone layer?

Halons are harmful for ozone. They also react with ozone to deplete it.

What ozone layer do?

Ozone layer protects us from harmful UV rays. these are harmful UV radiations of the sun.

Does the ozone layer contribute to the formation of smog?

No, the ozone layer in the stratosphere protects Earth from harmful UV radiation. Smog is formed when pollutants like car exhaust and industrial emissions react with sunlight, creating ground-level ozone. This ground-level ozone is harmful to human health and the environment.