In a science experiment in Biology class when students poured vinegar in a glass and then added baking soda it had a chemical reaction
a word equation, or a chemical equation
The chemical equation is the word expression of a chemical reaction.The rate of reaction give information about the speed of this reaction.
is the reactant which will be used up in the reaction, before the other reactant(s)
The main chemical in a battery + an explosion = a chemical reaction to a battery
The chemical reaction is:Pb + H2SO4 = PbSO4 + H2
The poison had a chemical reaction to my body
a word equation, or a chemical equation
need to use chemical reaction meaning in a sentence?
The chemical reaction did not turn out as planned. I did not get the reaction I wanted. Hopefully her reaction won't be as bad as last time.
The chemical reaction alcohol and peroxide. also the chemical reaction for hydrogen and oxygen
I got a chemical reaction in the science lab today.
Activation energy is the minimum amount of energy required for a chemical reaction to occur.
"This chemical reaction gives off a lot of heat; it must be exothermic"
A reaction that can be described using a word
In a chemical reaction, a precipitate is an insoluable solid that emerges from a liquid solution.
In chemistry, a chemical reaction occurs when two or more substances interact with each other to form new substances with different properties.
The enzyme binds to its substrate in order to carry out the chemical reaction.